Thursday, May 14, 2009

Etc :: Not Tonight, But Always Forever

Last-minute rumour-correction for 14 May 2009: Note: Etc IS NOT SCHEDULED TO PLAY TONIGHT.

Who IS playing? PINHOLES are. P.O.W. 101 Dunlop St, Singapore. 9.30pm. Last-minute notice if you didn't know - but no harm in mentioning since it's always good times w/ those chaps. They cover of Etc's 'Handphones on the Dancefloor'. Even released it. Maybe we put it online here. You want? Ask in the comments box (cue: silence).

And since you're here: might as well tell you that some recent Etc live-in-studio vérité recordings have come online. You might see it on the ReverbNation player on this very page or here and/or here. At Walk On Music (here) they mention it's "All live. Completely sweat-and-spit real. No right-click fakery" and call one of the songs "a a post-spacey epic. This would be the 14:27-minutes of the first time 'Love Is A Four-Letter Word/Cupid Stunts' was ever played. Ever. That means: the first time Harvey ever heard it. He didn't get an introduction either, which is a bit rude, but he's a gentleman and rose to the occasion. Since then, it's only ever been played at Etc gigs to keep it fresh. It's too shy to come to the studios w/ the band. So it's a rare beast. All audible phasing and flanging is 100% natural. The guitar is via reverb/amp and DD7 only. To mention this might mean someone's bragging.

There's also an off-the-cuff 'Bring Me My Dunce's Cap' posted online for the amusement of an Etc-enthusiast/friend as a good-luck for their exams. Needless to mention they like Tom Waits?

Let's Take Forever appears on the LastFM link. Myspace could be getting it soon too. Or some other stuff. Who knows. Etc aren't so techno-savvy. NB: Etc vérité recordings are not to be confused w/ Etc's 'proper' recordings. Yes, some stuff HAS been put down in a studio. Through real microphones. It remains a work in progress.

Hope you're well. See you around.